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Read on to learn more about Hanson Merchandise.
Do you have a question that isn't answered here? Send me an e-mail and I will do my best to answer it!
What's the point of this site, anyway? I already have all of Hanson's albums and singles - isn't that all there is? Hardly! Hanson Merchandise is a web site that lists and categorizes Hanson merchandise of all kinds. I hope to show you that there is more Hanson stuff out there than you ever thought possible! If you think that all Hanson released are a few CDs and books, you should definitely surf around the site and see what there is to see! This site is HUGE! Where do I begin? Click any of the links on the left hand side of the screen to browse through the site. If you want to look up Penny & Me singles, click on CDs, then Singles, then Penny & Me. It's that easy! How do I get back to the Home Page? Click the "Hanson Merchandise" graphic at the top of every page, or the "Home" link in the "You Are Here" navigation on each page. I had no idea that Hanson released suchandsuch. Where did you find all this stuff? Lots of places! You just have to know where to look! CD stores, t-shirt shops, and online stores are all good places to look for Hanson stuff. Why do you have unofficial Hanson merchandise on your site? Shouldn't Hanson Merchandise have only official Hanson stuff? Not necessarily. Hanson has released a wide variety of official Hanson merchandise over the years, and that merchandise will always have the highest priority on this site. However, I can't ignore the vast amount of unofficial Hanson merchandise that has been released over the years. MMMBop to the Top, magazine posters, and compilation CDs like the NOW! CDs, although unofficial, are still great mementos of the band and can be highly collectible as the years go by. Everything that you see on this site, aside from promo items, can either be bought in a store or online. Homemade items (like t-shirts, mugs, jewelry, Cafepress merchandise, etc.) are not featured on this site. I love your CDs section! Can you tell me how many countries have released Hanson CDs? Sure! And I'll even alphabetize it for you. ;-) Argentina Australia Austria Brazil Canada China/Hong Kong Denmark France Germany India Israel Italy Korea Japan Malaysia Mexico The Netherlands The Philippines Poland Russia Spain Sweden Taiwan Thailand Turkey The United Kingdom The United States Thinking of You? Gimme Some Lovin'? Save Me? They weren't singles, were they? I don't remember them being released. Yes, these are Hanson singles! Hanson is promoted in different ways in different parts of the world - Thinking of You, for example, was never released as a single in the United States, but it was released in several countries overseas. I didn't know Hanson vinyl/records existed! No way! Yes way! It's true! Hanson released two different I Will Come To You records in the United States. Several other promotional records exist both in the US and overseas. I really like that one Hanson CD/book/poster etc. Can I buy it from you? I do not sell anything on this site - I don't even own everything here! Even if I did, I wouldn't sell it. Sorry! Where can I buy Hanson merchandise that I see on this site? A "Buying" page is under construction and will be available soon! Do you know how many total items the band has released worldwide, starting with their prefame days? Yes! The item total count is on the Home Page of this site. The count is just shy of 2,500 items. Amazing! Want specifics on how the total count is calculated? Click here. (Soon) Please note, that there is more merchandise out there than what is featured here; I am constantly finding and adding items. (See next question.) How "complete" is Hanson Merchandise? Finding and categorizing Hanson merchandise is a never-ending process. I don't think this site will never be "complete." Hanson is releasing new merchandise all the time, and older merchandise is constantly being discovered and added. There is so much stuff! Maybe in another 10 years I will have exhausted every single piece of Hanson merchandise imaginable?? Between CDs, books, and magazines alone, I have more than enough to keep me busy. Does Hanson know about your site? / Have they given you info for this site? No and no! As far as I know, Hanson is not aware of this site. If they do know about it, I'd love to know what they think about everything that is here. I have a Hanson item that is not on your site. Can I send you a picture so you can put it on the site? Yes! I am always looking for new items in order to make the site as complete as possible. If you have an item that is not on this site, send an e-mail to Please include as much information about the item as possible (description, track listing, country of origin, etc.) and I will add it as soon as I can! Some info on your site is incorrect! / Some links are broken! if you find any incorrect information / bugs on the site, please send me an e-mail and I'll fix it as soon as I can! |